DNA Doctor in Denver
Find us in person at Revolutionary MD! We offer a variety of DNA activation and epigenetic health treatments including light therapy and dna activation treatments using light therapy, sound therapy, and vibrational therapies in Denver. We are located at 3400 E. Bayaud Ave. Suite 444, next door to Gates Tennis Center, just east of Cherry Creek mall.
FREE visitor parking is available in the west lot of our building (marked visitor parking) and also in RevolutionaryMD parking spots on this side (if visitor sites full).
You can also park for FREE on E. Bayaud Ave for 2 hours in marked areas.
Dr. Fred Grover, Jr. M.D.
Denver, CO 80209
Phone 303.355.2385 Fax 303.974.5945
Email: revmdoffice@gmail.com
Also see our Spiritual Genomics and Spiritual Genomics Press website!